To be a global leader in cloud-based ERP and functional business software products, recognised for our commitment to innovation, customer success, and excellence in delivering comprehensive, scalable solutions that meet the evolving needs of diverse vertical industries.
Our Partners & Clients
We are a Cloud-based Enterprise Software Product Company specializes in vertical Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) products. We have been serving global customers for more than 20 years and have nurtured a Customer-First approach to excellence.
We are continually innovating on our products in order to provide our customers with the best possible offerings, take great pride in our customer relationship, and enabling a trusted partner approach. Our ERP products are developed using state-of-the-art technologies and are built for the cloud rather than modified to the cloud. With our extensive domain knowledge, we enable real digital transformation with our comprehensive coverage of enterprise operations

To empower businesses with innovative, comprehensive, cloud-based ERP and functional products that streamline operations, enhance productivity, and drive digital transformation, ensuring our clients achieve superior automation and business growth.
Our Core Values:
- Innovation: Continuously drive technological advancements to deliver cutting-edge solutions.
- Customer Commitment: Prioritize our customers' success through tailored solutions and dedicated support.
- Integrity: Uphold the highest standards of integrity and transparency in all our interactions.
- Excellence: Strive for excellence in every aspect of our business, from industry research to product development to customer service.
- Collaboration: Foster a collaborative and inclusive environment that encourages teamwork and shared success.
Our History
- 1984 to 1986
July 1987
Getting out of a meeting with a premier international financial institution from London, the young lad wondered how we could convert three-year financials overnight to inflation accounting. Accounts are in manual ledgers without any automation. And, further converting them to reflect current purchasing power method overnight was not a possible task. Then was born the idea as to why not Computers do this in his mind. Encouraged by the family, the small journey started, not knowing it is going to end up in a “Focus” & “Perseverance” to build Enterprise Software Products against all the odds.
May 1988
Thrilled to develop a financial accounting system in Cobol, which could adjust figures based on various currency transaction rates. Excited to see General Ledger and Trial Balance coming out of the computer. This first success seeded thoughts as to what more can be done to ease up corporate accounting. Clueless and devoid of any internet, it was just thinking and re-thinking into a belief that something could be possible to automate various business functions in an enterprise
1988 to 1992
A team of three developers combinedly developed standalone purchase and inventory solutions in FoxBASE and Clipper summer 87 version and converted Cobol financial accounting system into Clipper. From one, the Team expanded to three.
1993 to 1994
Assisted a paper manufacturing company in building newer transaction capture screens to account inventory transactions daily, post them up to financial statements directly to bring out daily profit and loss account, all written in Pro*C with Oracle database. We modelled and coded stock posting into finance automatically on approval of good receipt note, tasting flair of building integrated solutions. Then, a seed was sown in mind for a successful ERP solution build (still not knowing the word ERP). The team expanded to seven
Assisted the largest FMCG company in India, a British subsidiary, for automation of their entire seed business, including their factory operations. Successfully connected their supply chain network through VSAT technology and was having data almost live as transactions happened at remote locations. A sense of incredible satisfaction that we could do solutions that can bring data together into one location. Learned what the meaning of Management Information System (MIS) being driven by a multi-national company to their styles of daily, weekly, and monthly MIS
1996 to 1997
Commenced building integrated solutions for the largest textile manufacturing company in Andhra Pradesh, India, by way of business process engineering. The quality of notes prepared by our team reflects a high maturity of management consulting flair with sound controls. Thank God, we started as a Management Consulting cum Audit Firm and not a pure Enterprise Product Development Company. We built seven integrated modules using Oracle forms and reports with Oracle database as back end. Became an Oracle Partner. The team expanded to ten. The ERP product was named Yarena.
We built fully integrated modules for upcoming sugar manufacturing company which went live on the day of their commercial production, covering their entire business functions like cane agronomy, procurement, inventory, marketing, finance, payroll, and human resource. For the first time, we proclaimed loud that we built a sugar manufacturing integrated product within Sathguru (not knowing the word “ERP” then). A proud moment indeed. The product was named SugarCube. We also developed an integrated solution for an upcoming Micro Finance Company with lending and integrated accounting with powerful MIS modules. The product named FAMIS, became FAMOUS in months and became the No.1 seller in India then. We learned towards the end that kind of products we are building are known as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).
1999 to 2000
Developed a supply chain management solution on Oracle for the largest bakery chain in the world for their Indian biscuit manufacturing entry using Oracle forms and reports and implemented it successfully across Indian metro and sub-metro locations. A game-changer solution then, using low internet bandwidth for data sync. Explored services business in the United States but stayed away firmly to believe in creating Intellectual Property of our own. Sathguru never looked back into services ever and is proud to be a pure Software Product Company. The team expanded to twelve
2001 to 2003
We commenced building FAMIS into more robust Oracle technology and recreated a six-module integrated solution, with full demographic profiling of borrowers. It was apparent then that data is important, which is proclaimed today as “Data is the new oil.” A structured borrower database was created with several demographic data captures, which later gave us the foundation to build our score track module
2004 to 2007
We strongly opinionated that vertical Enterprise products are the future, and General Enterprise Products will become a success but only to fade out later. We explored other verticals that we must focus on. Our management consulting experience told us that three verticals will ever dominate, the largest being Real Estate, second, being Healthcare delivery and third being Retail. Retail was eyed due to the rapid expansion of consumer’s buying power as the first choice
2007 to 2010
We built a fully integrated Retail ERP product named Retail ViVA. The unique blending of the credit module became our USP. The demographic profiling and score track became handy to build a robust ERP product. Our experience made this build quite easy, and several “first” to introduce concepts became a reality and functioning. The electronic signature was one; Paperless document flow was second, fulfilment automation was third to name a few...
2011 to 2012
We built capacity in mobility, seeing mobility trends increasing. We presumed that mobility would drive the future, and all enterprise applications will be mobile-driven. We specialized in how our strong back-end enterprise application experience can cut down mobility development and how we integrate them smartly to build a mobile enterprise application with unified administration. The whole exercise was successful, and we learned the tricks of the trade comfortably
2013 to 2015
We embarked on our second mission of building healthcare ERP. A sophisticated client, wherein every client was an independent entity, with differentiated shareholding, but operated with a Management Service Organisation (MSO). Built non-practice ERP modules with full integration and made an excellent consolidation module to consolidate over 75 companies into one financial statement with auto elimination of inter-company transactions. We also created the Business Intelligence of Personal Medical Records (PMR) in multi-dimensional views for critical analysis. Constant client customizations triggered the thought process to build an open architecture that makes it easy for a change and makes it more self-service. The idea of our own NoCode platform was born then.
2016 to 2019
It was time for introspection, due to rapid emergence of new technologies, shift from back-end to front-end, cloud computing, mobile-first approach, Customer experience becoming a norm, hardware speed drastically improving and digitization being a more acceptable phenomenon. It was a big decision to rewrite the entire ERP stack of products suiting to cloud technology rather than modifying it to the cloud. We carefully evaluated various technologies and decided to embark on a mix of technologies for strategic reasons. Simultaneously, the NoCode platform development commenced. We completed our first cloud-ready ERP, Retail ViVA and built “CodeSelfie” our own NoCode platform. Our Management and audit bandwidth made us look the complicated 26 module design simple and our design diagram was like a wiring harness diagram of an airplane.
1st July 2020
We have a new identity, Sathguru Software Products Private Limited, spun off as a 100% subsidiary of Sathguru. Carrying the proud parentage of Sathguru, we are here to fly high in the years to come with cloud-only products and becoming a cloud-only company
April 2021
We launched our first SaaS Product “ CryptoESIGN” a word inspired eSignature product, built using Self-Explanatory User Interface (SEUI) concept by way of single screen intuitive interface.
July 2021
We launched our SMB retail ERP product Retail ViVA Lite which caters to small and medium retailers. With robust business process coverage, Retail ViVA Lite gives small retailers the power of using a matured Retail ERP to maximize customer experience and employee productivity
November 2021
CryptoESIGN crosses 5000 signatures by our customers. Within 120 days of its commercial launch, the CryptoESIGN platform caters to 5000 electronic signatures, showcasing the stability of the product on the cloud.
December 2021
Retail ViVA is ported on the cloud and made available for adoption by clients. With 22 integrated modules, Retail ViVA is the most comprehensive retail ERP solution to date.
Tetra Teams , a cloud workspace collaboration product preview, is launched for adoption by early adopters on an invitation basis
CryptoESIGN is further enhanced with the launch of digital signature API to facilitate integration with ERP and other business systems of an enterprise for token-less online digital signature using Aadhar authentication in India.
Our History
- 1984 to 1986
- July 1987
- May 1988
- 1988 to 1992
- 1993 to 1994
- 1995
- 1996 to 1997
- 1998
- 1999 to 2000
- 2001 to 2003
- 2004 to 2007
- 2007 to 2010
- 2011 to 2012
- 2013 to 2015
- 2016 to 2019
- 1st July 2020
- April 2021
- July 2021
- November 2021
- December 2021
A young Bachelor of Commerce graduate, encouraged by his visionary brother, joins a three-year diploma course titled “Computerised Financial Management” in a small institute. There were no formal training institutes. Acquired first 80186 dual floppy disk PC with a dot matrix printer in early 1986. Learned BASIC, COBOL, FORTRON, and utilities like WordStar, Lotus-123, and dBase. Upgraded the PC with 20 MB hard risk. Played around writing small COBOL program and seeing results coming up. Got proficient with Lotus-123 and dBase with excellent integration capabilities. Integration was always the curiosity in mind ever
Getting out of a meeting with a premier international financial institution from London, the young lad wondered how we could convert three-year financials overnight to inflation accounting. Accounts are in manual ledgers without any automation. And, further converting them to reflect current purchasing power method overnight was not a possible task. Then was born the idea as to why not Computers do this in his mind. Encouraged by the family, the small journey started, not knowing it is going to end up in a “Focus” & “Perseverance” to build Enterprise Software Products against all the odds.
Thrilled to develop a financial accounting system in Cobol, which could adjust figures based on various currency transaction rates. Excited to see General Ledger and Trial Balance coming out of the computer. This first success seeded thoughts as to what more can be done to ease up corporate accounting. Clueless and devoid of any internet, it was just thinking and re-thinking into a belief that something could be possible to automate various business functions in an enterprise
A team of three developers combinedly developed standalone purchase and inventory solutions in FoxBASE and Clipper summer 87 version and converted Cobol financial accounting system into Clipper. From one, the Team expanded to three.
Assisted a paper manufacturing company in building newer transaction capture screens to account inventory transactions daily, post them up to financial statements directly to bring out daily profit and loss account, all written in Pro*C with Oracle database. We modelled and coded stock posting into finance automatically on approval of good receipt note, tasting flair of building integrated solutions. Then, a seed was sown in mind for a successful ERP solution build (still not knowing the word ERP). The team expanded to seven
Assisted the largest FMCG company in India, a British subsidiary, for automation of their entire seed business, including their factory operations. Successfully connected their supply chain network through VSAT technology and was having data almost live as transactions happened at remote locations. A sense of incredible satisfaction that we could do solutions that can bring data together into one location. Learned what the meaning of Management Information System (MIS) being driven by a multi-national company to their styles of daily, weekly, and monthly MIS
Commenced building integrated solutions for the largest textile manufacturing company in Andhra Pradesh, India, by way of business process engineering. The quality of notes prepared by our team reflects a high maturity of management consulting flair with sound controls. Thank God, we started as a Management Consulting cum Audit Firm and not a pure Enterprise Product Development Company. We built seven integrated modules using Oracle forms and reports with Oracle database as back end. Became an Oracle Partner. The team expanded to ten. The ERP product was named Yarena.
We built fully integrated modules for upcoming sugar manufacturing company which went live on the day of their commercial production, covering their entire business functions like cane agronomy, procurement, inventory, marketing, finance, payroll, and human resource. For the first time, we proclaimed loud that we built a sugar manufacturing integrated product within Sathguru (not knowing the word “ERP” then). A proud moment indeed. The product was named SugarCube. We also developed an integrated solution for an upcoming Micro Finance Company with lending and integrated accounting with powerful MIS modules. The product named FAMIS, became FAMOUS in months and became the No.1 seller in India then. We learned towards the end that kind of products we are building are known as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).
Developed a supply chain management solution on Oracle for the largest bakery chain in the world for their Indian biscuit manufacturing entry using Oracle forms and reports and implemented it successfully across Indian metro and sub-metro locations. A game-changer solution then, using low internet bandwidth for data sync. Explored services business in the United States but stayed away firmly to believe in creating Intellectual Property of our own. Sathguru never looked back into services ever and is proud to be a pure Software Product Company. The team expanded to twelve
We commenced building FAMIS into more robust Oracle technology and recreated a six-module integrated solution, with full demographic profiling of borrowers. It was apparent then that data is important, which is proclaimed today as “Data is the new oil.” A structured borrower database was created with several demographic data captures, which later gave us the foundation to build our score track module
We strongly opinionated that vertical Enterprise products are the future, and General Enterprise Products will become a success but only to fade out later. We explored other verticals that we must focus on. Our management consulting experience told us that three verticals will ever dominate, the largest being Real Estate, second, being Healthcare delivery and third being Retail. Retail was eyed due to the rapid expansion of consumer’s buying power as the first choice
We built a fully integrated Retail ERP product named Retail ViVA. The unique blending of the credit module became our USP. The demographic profiling and score track became handy to build a robust ERP product. Our experience made this build quite easy, and several “first” to introduce concepts became a reality and functioning. The electronic signature was one; Paperless document flow was second, fulfilment automation was third to name a few...
We built capacity in mobility, seeing mobility trends increasing. We presumed that mobility would drive the future, and all enterprise applications will be mobile-driven. We specialized in how our strong back-end enterprise application experience can cut down mobility development and how we integrate them smartly to build a mobile enterprise application with unified administration. The whole exercise was successful, and we learned the tricks of the trade comfortably
We embarked on our second mission of building healthcare ERP. A sophisticated client, wherein every client was an independent entity, with differentiated shareholding, but operated with a Management Service Organisation (MSO). Built non-practice ERP modules with full integration and made an excellent consolidation module to consolidate over 75 companies into one financial statement with auto elimination of inter-company transactions. We also created the Business Intelligence of Personal Medical Records (PMR) in multi-dimensional views for critical analysis. Constant client customizations triggered the thought process to build an open architecture that makes it easy for a change and makes it more self-service. The idea of our own NoCode platform was born then.
It was time for introspection, due to rapid emergence of new technologies, shift from back-end to front-end, cloud computing, mobile-first approach, Customer experience becoming a norm, hardware speed drastically improving and digitization being a more acceptable phenomenon. It was a big decision to rewrite the entire ERP stack of products suiting to cloud technology rather than modifying it to the cloud. We carefully evaluated various technologies and decided to embark on a mix of technologies for strategic reasons. Simultaneously, the NoCode platform development commenced. We completed our first cloud-ready ERP, Retail ViVA and built “CodeSelfie” our own NoCode platform. Our Management and audit bandwidth made us look the complicated 26 module design simple and our design diagram was like a wiring harness diagram of an airplane.
We have a new identity, Sathguru Software Products Private Limited, spun off as a 100% subsidiary of Sathguru. Carrying the proud parentage of Sathguru, we are here to fly high in the years to come with cloud-only products and becoming a cloud-only company
We launched our first SaaS Product “ CryptoESIGN” a word inspired eSignature product, built using Self-Explanatory User Interface (SEUI) concept by way of single screen intuitive interface.
We launched our SMB retail ERP product Retail ViVA Lite which caters to small and medium retailers. With robust business process coverage, Retail ViVA Lite gives small retailers the power of using a matured Retail ERP to maximize customer experience and employee productivity
CryptoESIGN crosses 5000 signatures by our customers. Within 120 days of its commercial launch, the CryptoESIGN platform caters to 5000 electronic signatures, showcasing the stability of the product on the cloud.
Retail ViVA is ported on the cloud and made available for adoption by clients. With 22 integrated modules, Retail ViVA is the most comprehensive retail ERP solution to date.
Tetra Teams , a cloud workspace collaboration product preview, is launched for adoption by early adopters on an invitation basis
CryptoESIGN is further enhanced with the launch of digital signature API to facilitate integration with ERP and other business systems of an enterprise for token-less online digital signature using Aadhar authentication in India.
Our Team

K Ragunathan
Surya Subramanyam
VP Cloud SAAS Success
Suresh Penugonda
AVP & Principal Architect - Cloud Products
Renuka Bandala
Architect - Cloud Products
Nagendra Raju
Sr. Manager - Cloud Products
Cloud Product Manager
Manager SQA - Cloud Products
PVN Umamaheswara Rao
Cloud Product Devp. PrincipalWorking with Sathguru Soft

The Choice to Intern at Sathguru Soft: What’s is it like?
Neha Velshetty joined Sathguru as an intern about three years back and is now a full-time employee for two years. We spoke to Neha about her experience at Sathguru since her joining and the things she most liked growing at her job. She now works as Creative Content Proponent
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